Kevin Winningham, 65 years old Before and After (Copy
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“I've lost weight and kept it off for 4-5 years! I've lifted weights between 200-350 pounds using various lifting movements. I can do double-unders. I even ran in a 3 mile Bubble Run - and I do not run! I’ve never felt a need to search out any other health programs because Longevity Life Zone literally has everything I need, including nutrition and recovery.”

Special education and kindergarten teacher, Kevin Winningham, was working on his post retirement strategy when a friend told him about a workout program called Longevity Life Zone that her husband was trying out. He wanted to keep up with their sons. After watching some videos online, Kevin decided the workouts looked interesting so he called and signed up! “Everybody was happy and helpful. The coaches took time to explain everything to me and made me feel comfortable. I noticed how the coaches were patient and careful with other members as well.”

Over time Kevin has grown along with others at Longevity Life Zone. What began as a health gym quickly evolved into a full-service training and recovery facility. “There are so many things going on weekly with this program. I've taken nutrition classes, participated in weight loss challenges (won it!), weight training classes, raised money for worthy causes, and jogged food over to a local charity for low income children. About the only thing I haven't tried is climbing and swinging from the aerial hoops and satins hanging from the ceiling that Aero Terra Arts uses (a Fit Phoenix business partner)! I also compete in the CrossFit Open every year and it's so much fun with everyone cheering you on." Kevin’s overall wellness is one of the few commitments he’s truly serious about.

“Even though I joke around when the class begins, I am all business when the conditioning WOD starts. I'm committed to my health and fitness, especially now that I'm in my "senior" years. Everyone at Longevity Life Zone is committed to me as a client. They are aware of my limitations and strengths, and suggest alternative exercises to do during the workout."

Kevin Winningham, 65 years old Before and After
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“I've lost weight and kept it off for 4-5 years! I've lifted weights between 200-350 pounds using various lifting movements. I can do double-unders. I even ran in a 3 mile Bubble Run - and I do not run! I’ve never felt a need to search out any other health programs because Longevity Life Zone literally has everything I need, including nutrition and recovery.”

Special education and kindergarten teacher, Kevin Winningham, was working on his post retirement strategy when a friend told him about a workout program called Longevity Life Zone that her husband was trying out. He wanted to keep up with their sons. After watching some videos online, Kevin decided the workouts looked interesting so he called and signed up! “Everybody was happy and helpful. The coaches took time to explain everything to me and made me feel comfortable. I noticed how the coaches were patient and careful with other members as well.”

Over time Kevin has grown along with others at Longevity Life Zone. What began as a health gym quickly evolved into a full-service training and recovery facility. “There are so many things going on weekly with this program. I've taken nutrition classes, participated in weight loss challenges (won it!), weight training classes, raised money for worthy causes, and jogged food over to a local charity for low income children. About the only thing I haven't tried is climbing and swinging from the aerial hoops and satins hanging from the ceiling that Aero Terra Arts uses (a Fit Phoenix business partner)! I also compete in the CrossFit Open every year and it's so much fun with everyone cheering you on." Kevin’s overall wellness is one of the few commitments he’s truly serious about.

“Even though I joke around when the class begins, I am all business when the conditioning WOD starts. I'm committed to my health and fitness, especially now that I'm in my "senior" years. Everyone at Longevity Life Zone is committed to me as a client. They are aware of my limitations and strengths, and suggest alternative exercises to do during the workout."

Melissa Lewis, 51 years old Before and After
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“I had a health scare 5 years ago and have a stent in my heart, so I was very cautious when consulting with the trainers at Longevity Life Zone. Kim and her trainers interviewed me extensively and developed a program for me that was customized to exactly what I needed - cardio increase, balance, muscle development, and stretching. I workout twice a week in a private class led by Coach Fredo and I'm in the best shape I've been since I was 25 years old. I also nutrition trained with Theresa and learned a lot about how to balance my eating and drinking with my fitness program. I love how the classes make me feel and I love the programming and variation."

Busy mother of three and small business owner, Melissa Lewis, has to carefully budget her time. When the demands of family and running a floral event company in Downtown Phoenix are met, there is not a lot of time left to pursue her own interests or activities. As a former competitive tennis player and avid skier, Melissa realized she needed to make some personal changes when she began having trouble keeping up with her kids on the slopes. Her exercise routine consisted of daily walking, a little bit of running and occasional tennis, but wasn’t cutting it.

Even though Fit Phoenix was right around the corner from her business, it took Melissa over a year to check out the programs and purchase a membership. “I didn’t know if the training would be something I liked.” Eventually, it became impossible for this busy woman to ignore the convenience factor, so she signed up for Longevity Life Zone with a specific goal in mind: keeping up with the kids on the slopes!

Melissa has been with Longevity Life Zone for two years and has recently decided to focus more on nutrition. The on-staff nutritionist, Teresa Hansen prepares daily meal plans, helps her balance her macronutrients, and keep track of her body composition measurements. 

"Personal training is an investment, but I’ve found you get what you pay for. At first it was expensive for me, but after a while I decided to forgo other luxuries during the month and put that money towards my training. The one-on-one training has kept me on track, responsible and achieving results. My body feels great at 51 years old! Staying dedicated to the workouts has given me the stamina to work long days. My balance and muscle strength have improved greatly!”

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