90-Day Journey Nutrition Coaching

“Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.” - Will rogers

Mindful Eating for Total Health

Stephanie Espinoza, MA, RDN, LRD

The LLZ 90-Day Journey approach to nutrition includes 5 sessions with our Registered Dietitian; a personalized nutrition prescription; proactive preventative healthcare; goal setting and results tracking; and identity-based behavior change.

Our nutrition program is based on the concept of Mindful Eating where participants eat for “total health.” When paying attention to the choices made when buying, preparing and consuming food, you experience a heightened awareness of the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fullness. You improve your dietary habits and enjoy the mental and physical well being that comes with a healthier diet.

Our program is simple - we do the work for you! There’s no counting calories, balancing macro nutrients or tracking every bite you take. Under our guidance you will:

  • Identify your personal PROGRAM GOALS

  • Establish your STARTING BASELINE




Eating mindfully will help you:

✓ Examine & change your relationship with food

✓ Appreciate & gain more pleasure from your food

✓ Make healthier choices based on how food makes you feel

✓ Slow down & take a break from your busy day

✓ Improve digestion by eating slower

✓ Eat less food because you feel full sooner

✓ Intentionally eat food balanced in protein, fat, & carbohydrate



Body Composition Measurements & Goal Setting


Whether you want to lose fat and build muscle; increase strength and mobility; or to just “be healthy,” in order to achieve these goals it is necessary to identify your starting point and then build a nutritional foundation that is based upon good eating habits. Using tools developed by our expert team, you will set your individual program goals, measure and create your baseline starting point and then track your progress.

✓ Body Weight

✓ Lean Muscle Density & Body Fat

✓ Body Mass Index

✓ Basal Metabolic Rate

✓ Circumference Measurements - Chest, Waist, Hip, Biceps, & Thighs


A Lab Health Panel to Track Cholesterol & Blood Sugar

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If your goal is to get and stay healthy, physical activity and mindful nutrition promote stable blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and stress levels. As you start your 12-week journey, we recommend you order a Health Panel through your local lab to measure:

✓ Total Cholesterol

✓ Blood Glucose/A1C

✓ C-reactive Protein (CRP)

✓ Cortisol

✓ Blood Pressure

These labs should be repeated at the end of the program. Many States allow people to order lab testing without a doctor’s request. If necessary, our nutritionist can order the lab panel on your behalf.



An Individual, Private Body Composition Assessment


This optional private body composition assessment performed by our nutritionist, helps you stay on top of your progress and support you exactly where needed. Our nutritionist will take your body circumference measurements such as waist, hips, bicep, and thigh. You will also receive a full-body, multi-frequency segmental body composition analysis to measure water/hydration, muscle, and body fat ratios. This test will identify exactly where your body fat is stored. This bio-electrical impedance (BIA) analysis data can then be used to improve results in specific areas of the body over time.


Invest in yourself!