Post-workout protein shake

Post-workout protein shake


Have you ever wondered if you are eating enough protein? Or how about at the right time? Is it better to consume a protein shake pre-workout or post-workout? In this article, we’ll explore daily protein needs, as well as the best timing for eating protein, and why protein is so important for our bodies.

Why Protein is Important

Proteins are the main building blocks of the body, used to make muscles, tendons, organs and skin. Proteins are made from smaller molecules called amino acids. Some of these amino acids can be produced by the body, while some cannot. The ones we cannot produce and must get from food are called “essential” amino acids.

During exercise and strength training small tears occur in our muscles which require protein to repair properly. Since our bodies don’t store protein, spreading protein intake throughout the day is the best course of action to maintain muscle and build new muscle. Also, equally important is how much protein you are consuming. Daily protein needs vary depending on the individual and can be determined based on the individual’s weight. Your LLZ nutritionist can help you determine your individual daily protein needs.

Meeting your daily protein goal on a consistent basis and eating protein at every meal should be your priority, but taking advantage of the best times to consume protein can also improve performance and overall fitness goals. Here are the Top 3 Best Times to Consume Protein:

#1 Morning

During sleep, our bodies use up nutrients from our last meal. To continue facilitating muscle and tissue repair our bodies need a serving of easily digested protein when we wake. Whey protein digests fast and is ideal for early morning energy. Milk, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt are good sources of whey protein. For something convenient, opt for a whey protein drink. When selecting whey protein look at the ingredient label.  Aim for products with “concentrated whey protein” not “isolated” and with no artificial sugars or colors.

Try the LLZ Berry Spinach Smoothie with Driven Nutrition protein

Don’t do dairy? No worries, eggs are also an excellent quality protein which is ideal for morning nutrition.

#2 Post-workout

Exercising creates small tears in our muscles -- the constant breaking down of muscle tissue and rebuilding requires protein to repair properly.  Aim for eating quality lean protein within 30-45 minutes following a workout. This immediate supply helps your muscles repair and become stronger. A post-workout protein shake is a quick way to do that.  The fast-digesting nature of whey protein provides your muscles with the quick boost they need.

Your muscles’ protein needs remain heightened for an extended period of time after you work out, so after you consume the protein shake, aim for cooking up a high-quality protein meal with balanced healthy fats and complex carbs to complete your post-workout nutrition.

#3 Between Meals

Eating a little protein between meals keeps a steady supply to your muscles. Apart from feeding your muscles properly, between-meal protein also keeps you feeling full, helps prevent unhealthy snacking, reduces cravings, boost metabolism, and increases fat burning.

Bottom Line: Protein is important throughout the day and making sure you’re eating enough protein is equally important. So, how much protein do you eat per day? If you don’t know the answer, then it’s time to find out! Schedule a virtual session with your LLZ nutritionist to get your individual plan – email

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you here are 10 more reasons to eat protein!!

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